Request New Quote

The Solution Provider Platform (SPP) is intentionally crafted to provide you with versatile options for initiating new Autodesk Quote requests.

Last updated on 2023-10-24

SPP lets you request quotes from Autodesk in many ways. You can either navigate to the specific account, team, or PTA (Primary Team Admin) to create a quote request with existing details, or you can create new requests with only secondary customer details. You can also request a quote by specifying only the known CSN.

Prior to initiating the process, it is advisable to establish contact with the customer, specifically the Primary Team Admin (PTA). During this interaction, ensure that they are in agreement to proceed with the quotation request. It is essential to explain to the customer that they will receive the quotation via email directly from Autodesk once the request is processed.

With Known Account Name

If the Account already exists in the SPP portal, it is easy to follow up by first searching for the account name via the “Quick Search” input.

  1. Type the account name in the Quick search in the top of the screen and then select the required option from the list in the drop down menu. Search for account in Quick Search

  2. In the Account page, click the NEW QUOTE button on the right hand side in the header. Select to quote for an existing PTA, or create a new PTA for the specific Account. New Quote Dropdown

  3. Decide on immediate, or a given, start date and enter the requested token amount. Then click REQUEST QUOTE. SPP will now connect to Autodesk and ask for the final price. This often take a couple of seconds. Request Quote

  4. When finalized quote from Autodesk is received, you can now click on FINALIZE in order to confirm the order. Autodesk will then send a confirmation Email to the PTA for the specified account.

With Known Primary Team Admin

When the Primary Team Admin is already registered in the SPP portal, you can conveniently proceed by initiating a quick search using the ‘Quick Search’ input to locate the team admin’s name.

  1. Type the name of the Primary Team Admin in the Quick search in the top of the screen and then select the required option from the list in the drop down menu. Search for PTA in Quick Search

  2. In the Team Admin Section, click the NEW QUOTE button on the right hand side in the header. New Quote PTA

  3. Decide on immediate, or a given, start date and enter the requested token amount. Then click REQUEST QUOTE. SPP will now connect to Autodesk and ask for the final price. This often take a couple of seconds. Request Quote

  4. When finalized quote from Autodesk is received, you can now click on FINALIZE in order to confirm the order. Autodesk will then send a confirmation Email to the PTA for the specified account.

With Known Team Name

If the Team already exists in the SPP portal, it is easy to follow up by first searching for the team name via the “Quick Search” input.

  1. Type the name of the Team in the Quick search in the top of the screen and then select the required option from the list in the drop down menu. Search for Team in Quick Search

  2. In the Team Section, click the NEW QUOTE button on the right hand side in the header. Select to quote for an existing PTA, or create a new Account if not available. New Quote Dropdown

  3. Decide on immediate, or a given, start date and enter the requested token amount. Then click REQUEST QUOTE. SPP will now connect to Autodesk and ask for the final price. This often take a couple of seconds. Request Quote

  4. When finalized quote from Autodesk is received, you can now click on FINALIZE in order to confirm the order. Autodesk will then send a confirmation Email to the PTA for the specified account.

Request Quote with known CSN

SPP can create quotes for existing CSN numbers, even if the account does not belong to your organization.

  1. Click on the “Quotes” option located in the left hand side menu. Choose quote in the Side Menu

  2. In the Quotes Section, click the NEW QUOTE button on the right hand side in the header. New Quote Button

  3. Enter the known Autodesk CSN-number and click the NEXT-button. Enter Known CSN Number

  4. Enter the details of the new Primary Team Administrator (PTA), and click the NEXT-button Enter PTA Details

  5. Decide on immediate, or a given, start date and enter the requested token amount. Then click REQUEST QUOTE. SPP will now connect to Autodesk and ask for the final price. This often take a couple of seconds. Request Quote

  6. When finalized quote from Autodesk is received, you can now click on FINALIZE in order to confirm the order. Autodesk will then send a confirmation Email to the PTA for the specified account.

Request Quote without an Autodesk CSN

Follow this steps in order to request a Flex Quote for a new customer WITHOUT a previous Autodesk CSN.

  1. Click on the “Quotes” option located in the left hand side menu. Choose quote in the Side Menu

  2. In the Quotes Section, click the NEW QUOTE button on the right hand side in the header. New Quote Button

  3. Click the NEXT-button to move to filling in the customer details since they have no previous CSN Skip CSN Number

  4. Enter the details of the new customer account that should be created, and click NEXT. Enter Customer Details

  5. Enter the details of the new Primary Team Administrator (PTA), and click the NEXT-button Enter PTA Details

  6. Decide on immediate, or a given, start date and enter the requested token amount. Then click REQUEST QUOTE. SPP will now connect to Autodesk and ask for the final price. This often take a couple of seconds. Request Quote

  7. When finalized quote from Autodesk is received, you can now click on FINALIZE in order to confirm the order. Autodesk will then send a confirmation Email to the PTA for the specified account.