Usage Data

Data Revelead

It is no longer enough to just know how many product seats you have sold to a customer. Find out more about your customer by looking into their respective teams and how subscriptions and flex tokens are being used. Afterall, data is key, and you need to build your business success on data driven decisions.

Smarter data gives smarter decisions

Knowing your customer’s needs starts with knowing the details of the usage data. Which product, how often, the customer is using a product, or any particular feature, are all decisive factors in forming your strategy for the customer’s experience with your sales and training services. Look at product seats or flex tokens with the flick of a switch. If you have access to the team - we have the data for you.

  • Product Seat Usage / Consumption All product seats/tokens used by the team are collected in the product seat usage graph. The number of seats correspond to the number of team members using a product seats/tokens over a selected period of time. Regardless if you have sold the seats/tokens or not.

    Product Seat Usage

  • Feature Usage / Consumption Just like with flex tokens, many of the Autodesk products contain a number of products and features. These features ought be an important part of your customer success strategy to drive adoption, expansion, with additional training and services by you. Select a feature and see if it is being used from a specific product or flex tokens.

    Feature Usage

  • Seat Frequency How often a seat is being used is a critical component wether your customer is getting value for their subscription investment. Using a subscription seat 1-7 days per month can ultimately lead to fewer subscription renewals, with more cost effective options for the customer with flex tokens.

    Seat Frequency

  • Consumption Rate It is just as important to manage the amount of tokens being consumed, as it is to monitor the usage of subscription seats. Consuming a high amount of tokens by certain team members would ultimately be more cost effective to use subscriptions rather than tokens.

    Consumption Rate

  • Usage Timeline / Consumption Timeline Over a timeline of 30, 90 or 180 days, learn how many seats the team is using of all, or any one of the selected products or tokens.

    Usage Timeline